My 5-Step Goal Setting Framework
Jan 03, 2024
Working through my 5 Step Goal Setting Framework is one of my favourite things to do with coaching clients.
I love the energy and positivity that it generates.
Getting really clear on their goal – determining the roadmap to get there – knowing exactly what to do next and committing to doing it.
It takes a New Year’s Goal from being a hope or even a dream, and makes it a definite destination with a clear plan they can work towards.
Here are the exact 5-steps so that you can apply my framework to your goals:
1. Ask yourself what would represent a successful year (or period you're committing to)
Think about how you would like to feel and what would you like to have accomplished by the end of that time period?
List the thoughts and feelings that come to mind and then try to get it down to one sentence.
It might be something like,
‘I’d like to feel more energised and in control’
‘I want to feel physically stronger and get back into a healthier, happier lifestyle’
Whatever feels right for you.
2. Elaborate on this and list the different elements that will contribute to that goal
For example if your sentence is 'to feel healthy, happy and make more time for me', you might list losing weight, being able to run 10k and starting a new hobby.
What we’re doing here is taking that goal and set of outcomes, and beginning to turn it into actions.
Because whilst the goal is super important as an end point, it’s the actions that are going to get you there.
3. Ask yourself how far are you from where you want to be
When you get in the car, you need to know where you’re going so that then you can decide the best route.
But in order to determine the best route you need to know where you’re starting your journey from.
Your sat nav does this doesn’t it.
It asks you to enter your destination AND your starting point, then it gives you possible routes.
It’s the same with setting goals.
We know where you want to go, we need to get clear on WHERE YOU ARE NOW.
For example if your goal is to run a 10k, how far can you run currently? Are you doing any running at all?
4. List WHAT YOU COULD DO to get there
Now you have your goal and we’re clear on your starting point, we need to start looking potential routes to get there.
List all the potential options and people you could ask for support and advice.
It might be asking someone you know who has successfully lost weight how they did it.
Asking a friend if you can come along to the gym with them.
Signing up to Park Run.
Committing to doing a minimum of 7500 steps per day.
Going to bed at certain time.
Finishing work on time.
Eating protein with every meal.
Whatever comes to mind, get it noted down.
And of course, there’s also the option of hiring a coach and reaching out for expert guidance.
5. Now you commit to WHAT YOU WILL DO to get you there
No matter how motivated you are, my advice would always be to start small.
A client said to me last week, "I need to make changes I can live with" and that’s a perfect way of thinking about it.
Whatever you commit to, you need to be able to do it for long enough to see results.
If you can only see yourself sticking to you plan for a week at most, it’s too ambitious and it won’t work.
It’s also important to be specific.
Don’t just say you’ll go the gym; be clear about how many times a week, on what days and what time.
You’ll be far more likely to actually go.
Once you’re clear on what you’re going to do and when, write it down.
And to add an extra layer of accountability, tell someone about your goals and what you’ve committed to doing.
Bonus step…
To make this process even more effective you can define mini-goals.
It’s common to feel disillusioned along the way, but having these mini-markers can give you a real boost and show you are making progress towards your bigger goals.
Now that the goal is set, the plan is in place and you've committed to it...
There's nothing left but to do the work!
Good luck – and if you're planning to follow this framework – please let me know how you get on?